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Sales Engine, LLC | Alpharetta, GA

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Mark Mcgraw

When a team of sales people selling the same product or service to the same set of customers and getting two completely different results, there is a wide disparity between the top salesperson and the bottom salesperson of that team. What’s the difference? It’s their playbook for selling.

This past week, one of our coaches had a team of Business-to-Business sales people as well as the owner of the company in our training room. I could overhear what was going on.

A good pool of prospects is one of the keys to a successful selling career. Knowing how to prospect effectively keeps a career vital, and is truly the lifeblood of sales.

When we are emotionally weak, it's hard for us to be able to develop skills and tactics necessary to do the job effectively.

Read more about the importance of IDENTITY and how it can affect your team's performance.

Don’t get overwhelmed by this list! DO NOT try all of these, but if you feel like you’re coming off the rails on your goals try one to keep you on the tracks.

The key to a successful sales process is to have a better system than the one your prospect has been using for years. Don't disadvantage your team by using outdated training tactics allowing them to fall victim to unpaid consulting. Check out these common mistakes that could be costing your company thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs.

Find out 10 New Year's resolutions every sales manager in Atlanta should have for 2018.

Dear Santa,

I have only included a few things on my list this year, as our 2017 will close about where we expected. We fell short in some areas but exceeded in others. We do need to make some changes, however, so that 2018 will be successful.

I have a very talented sales team and I can provide them with a database full of prospect names to call on. The problem is...


I've known this, but haven't really OWNED it as much as this year. As many of you know I've lost right at 50 pounds over the past 18 months. In 2017, I really owned that if you have a goal that you really want to achieve, you need to act in spite of how you feel. I can feel like I want the spaghetti, but I don't have to give into that *feeling*. I can act in a way that is in alignment with my goals and who I want to become. This is why I now believe 'self-discipline' is a farce, but that's for another day. Personally, I gained a great sense of power and confidence every time I choose my long-term vision over my short-term impulses.

A lot of times when I train people for the first time and I ask them, "What do they want to work on? What are their biggest challenges concerns or frustrations in sales?" They will often tell me, "I want to be more aggressive."

We have to fix this. Being aggressive doesn't work. It doesn't sell.